Friday, November 22, 2013

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day 22

I am thankful for grace and mercy.

In the rare event that you don't know the difference let me explain as I understand it.

Grace is about receiving what we don't deserve.  We don't deserve salvation, eternity with God. There isn't anything we can do to earn it, it's a free gift.  I often don't deserve the patience that people extend to me for my shortcomings, I hope I express sufficient appreciation for their gift. 

Mercy is about not receiving what we do deserve.  As a criminal can be shown mercy by a judge and not be given the full sentence they have coming, we are not given the sentence of death for our sin because of Jesus blood, His righteousness and our faith that His Word is truth.

Thank you, LORD, for your love, grace and mercy. 

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